"The artist is a container for emotions that come from all over the world: from the sky from the earth, from a piece of paper, from a temporary form, from a spider web."
Pablo Piccasso
Hello and welcome to my universe!
I am Adela and what you see on this website are the parts of my dreams and my inner world. I hope you enjoy the journey and feel comfortable here.
When I was 12 I found this bridge between my world and this one and since then I transport the fragments from my dreams, thoughts and feelings here and put them on paper and use any medium I can get my hands on. I do not know any rules because art like love does not know any rules and laws.
My home has been in several countries in my life but my origin home is still Bosnia and I find that in my paintings you can feel this wild melancholy comming from my roots.
If you want to give one of these windows that look into my soul a new home - contact me via social media or mail.
With love Adela